Half of WEL’s network is located underground. To avoid damage to underground power, you should check the location of underground electricity cables before starting any project that will involve excavation or digging into the ground – find out more at beforeUdig.
This will also avoid damage to other underground services that may be located in the project area such as gas, water and telecommunications, and most importantly, ensure the safety of the people working on your project.
Cable Locations Information
To request a cable location, complete the request a cable location form below — you must provide your beforeUdig sequence number and preferred cable location date.
We need a minimum of ten working days’ notice and we will endeavour to respond to your preferred date, where possible. If charges apply, we will ask you to agree to pay the charges, prior to continuing.
Once our cables in your selected dig site are located by one of our cable locators, their approximate position is marked with orange paint. While reasonable measures will be taken to ensure the accuracy of the surface markings provided by our cable location team, they are indicative only. Markings may be incomplete and errors and omissions may exist.
We therefore recommend that hand digging continues until all of the cables have been found. Sections 25 - 28 and appendices A1.3 - A1.5 of the WorkSafe Guide for Safety with Underground Services publication explains some of the limitations of cable location devices.
Inaccurate, incomplete or erroneous surface markings do not relieve the personnel responsible for the excavation from carrying out all other precautions that are necessary to avoid injury and damage.
We use an industry standard spray paint but we recommend photographing the surface markings for reference prior to starting work. You may also want to refresh the surface markings yourself with orange spray paint where necessary and you may also want to use wooden pegs in grassed or unsurfaced areas.
Cables should be expected to be found at any depth. We therefore recommend that hand digging continues until all of the cables have been found.
In accordance with the WorkSafe Guide for Safety with Underground Services publication, frequent and repeated use should be made of locators during the course of the work.
A stand over is required when you're crossing over 11 kV or 33 kV cables. When booking your cable location, please compare your beforeUdig plans with your site plans and let us know if you require a stand over. Charges may apply where stand overs are required for an extended period. Before continuing we will discuss the situation with you and request your agreement, should charges apply.

Does your project involve digging or excavation work near our electricity network?