Keeping you, and our network safe is a big part of our role in the community.
WEL have arborists on patrol in our network area looking out for trees which pose a safety risk. Our patrollers might leave a notice and/or quote at your property with a form for you to complete.
If you have not received a visit from a patroller but your trees are close to a WEL-owned power line, please complete the Tree Trimming Request Form below and we will be in touch.
If trees or branches come into contact with power lines they can cause damage, widespread outages, and create risk of serious injury or death.
Trees need to be kept at a safe distance from power lines because:
- Children who climb trees close to power lines are at risk of serious injury or death.
- In severe weather, vegetation can become electrically 'live' and may pose an electrocution risk.
- Trees or branches can fall during bad weather, damaging power lines and causing outages.
- Trees close to power lines may cause electrical sparking, resulting in fire.
- Tree roots can grow around underground electricity cables, damaging the insulation and causing power supply failure.
Trimming or cutting trees around power lines is very dangerous and requires specialised skills because such work could result in electrocution or serious injury.
Only qualified utility arborists are permitted to trim a tree within four metres of a WEL power line. This is to ensure your safety and the safety of others, and avoid damage to power lines.
Property owners are responsible for any trees on the property, so it's important to check trees or hedges regularly and take appropriate action if they do pose a risk.
For more information about the Tree Regulations and/or if you observe vegetation across our network which is close to power lines, please contact us.
We offer a free safety disconnection for your service line for your own safety and the safety of our community. Cut the power before you cut trees – book in your free safety disconnection now. Call 0800 800 935 for more information.
Electricity distributors have clear responsibilities for safety and power supply reliability. If a tree poses an immediate threat to safety or to the reliability of power supply, WEL Networks may trim the tree without asking in accordance with Section 14 of the tree regulations.
If a cut or trim notice has been previously issued, the tree owner is liable for the direct costs of the work. -
You must respond appropriately if you receive a cut or trim notice for a Growth Limit Zone encroachment.
Failure to comply (without reasonable excuse) with the cut or trim notice, or to advise us at least 3 working days before such work commences, can result in a fine of up to $10,000 (plus $500 per day/part day where the offence continues).
In addition, if WEL's power lines are damaged because you have not complied with the Tree Regulations, we may be able to recover the cost of repairs from you.
Read our Tree Trimming Terms and Conditions and/or our Trees and Power Lines information booklet.