Network Charges (From April 1, 2024)

Each year we review our pricing levels and structure for the next financial year.

This is the current WEL Networks Price Schedule and relates to 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.

The current Price Schedule includes information on the line charges for the WEL Networks traditional coverage area (Hamilton, Raglan, Huntly and north to Meremere) and external networks (Auckland & Cambridge).

What you need to know:

  • Our pricing incorporates pricing principles advocated by the Electricity Authority. The Electricity Authority is an independent Crown entity responsible for the efficient operation of the New Zealand electricity market.

  • These tariffs include the recovery of transmission line charges from Transpower and adjustments for inflation.

  • As line charges are included in your electricity retailer's invoice, the timing and method for passing through these line charges will be determined by your individual retailer.

Time of Use Pricing Plans

We’ve moved most of our residential and small business connections onto Time of Use price plans. These price plans more closely reflect the cost to provide power during different times of the day.

Traditional electricity meters only record the amount of power you are using, but not the times that it is being used. Time of Use pricing takes advantage of newer ‘smart’ electricity meters that have been installed across the WEL Networks area. These new meters are capable of recording how much power is used at different times during the day.

For the WEL network area, we group these times into three periods: Peak, Shoulder and Off-Peak with a different price for each period.

Pricing Methodology

Current Pricing Methodology:

Pricing Methodology effective 01 April 2025:

Previous Pricing Methodologies:

Price Schedules

Current Price Schedule:

Price Schedule effective 01 April 2025:

Previous Price Schedules:

Distribution Pricing Change FAQs