WEL Networks Limited releases Annual Report to 31 March 2021

Following the release of our 31 March 2021 audited financial results on 28 May 2021, WEL Networks Limited (the ‘Group’) has today released their Annual Report.

Key non-financial highlights for the Group include:

  • Over 2,500 energy customers, many of whom face energy hardship, registered with our low cost energy retailer, OurPower, saving on average $456 each customer annually;
  • We expanded our sustainability programme to not only include the reporting of carbon emissions, but to also include wider initiatives for our people, our communities and our network in alignment with the selected United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals; 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and 13 (Climate Action).
  • The acquisition of the New Zealand operations of Infratec Limited from Alpine Energy Limited enables the Group to further develop sustainable technologies and take new opportunities in the provision of clean, innovative and affordable electricity.
  • The expansion of our electric vehicle charger network increasing from 22 to a total of 32.

Read the full 2021 Annual Report.


For more information please contact:

Samantha McPherson, WEL Networks Business Partner, 0211981093, samantha.mcpherson@wel.co.nz